Telehealth Privacy Glass Pods for Doctors and Hospital Staff
Miami Children's Hospital's new Telehealth Center is a high-tech facility designed to advance pediatric care for children around the world through telemedicine. The 2,000-square-foot center features seven LC Privacy Glass enclosed pods, equipped with high-definition monitors and cameras, and sophisticated audio systems which enables physicians to participate in video conferences with patients and physicians around the globe.These dynamic glass pods were created so that doctors can remotely connect with and treat patients. A doctor sitting in a LC Privacy Glass pod can care for up to 50 patients a day anywhere in the world. He could see and speak to the patient, view test results, and give a diagnosis all from afar.
Switchable LC Privacy Glass is a vital part of this renovation in order to provide patient privacy and confidentiality while the teleconference is in session. When the session is over, the dynamic glass can instantly revert back to its transparent state.Miami Childrens Hospital Telehealth Center - Miami, FloridaGlazing Contractor - CAS Partitions by Dirtt