The owners of this high-profile Hamptons home chose electronic LC Privacy Glass for their entire master suite and bathroom. They ordered finished doors and windows with switchable LC Privacy Glass complete with decorative SDL grills. The floor to ceiling bathroom privacy windows next to their bathtub, and a full wall, including French Doors in their walk-in glass shower leading to their balcony, all have glass that fogs up at the touch of a button. Additionally, switchable LC Privacy Glass panels are segmented, allowing for the top portion of the glass to be controlled independently from the bottom portion for extra flexibility. The homeowner said, "out of my entire house, I'm most excited to show off the electronic privacy glass in my bathroom." Private Residence - Southampton, New York Window Supplier - Reilly Windows & Doors Builder - Jay Bialsky
LC Privacy Glass in Bathroom Windows and Doors
Updated: Jun 5, 2024